Business Functions

After you have created the business function data structure, you can create the business function. The business function processes the level break errors and performs all of the mappings for the active message.

The name of the business function should include the same unique number that is used for the associated data dictionary glossary item and the data structures. This number is to be appended to the prefix BLM. For example, you should name a business function that you create for level break message LM5509 as BLM5509.

You must attach the business function data structure to the business function prior to entering code. Then, when you create the business function, you can have the system create a skeleton for you. The last message that you receive reminds you to create a typedef of the business function data structure and paste it into the header file of the business function.

After you create the business function, you must build it and check it in to central objects.