
Comments are text only and are added to individual fields of the report or batch version. To add comments to a field, right-click the field and select Insert Comment. Use comments to explain unique features of the field. For example, you create two calculation fields in an employee salary report, New Salary and Raise Amount. The new salary is calculated by multiplying the annual salary by a percent. The raise amount is calculated by subtracting the annual salary from the new salary. Insert comments on the New Salary and Raise fields to indicate how these fields were calculated.

Comments can be added to constants, variables, and column headings. When a field includes a comment, a small red triangle appears in the upper-right corner of the field as a visual indicator.

Comments are added to individual fields of the report or batch version. Right-click a field that includes a comment to select:

  • Show Comment

    Displays the comment in the RDA workspace. If the comment is already presented, Hide Comment appears on the menu.

  • Edit Comment

    Enables you to edit the text of the comment.

  • Delete Comment