Constant and Variable Events

This table describes the events that are available in constant and variable events:



Do Column Heading

Occurs when the column is initialized. Use this event to populate the column heading based on event rules associated with a business function.

Do Variable and Do Constant

Occurs before the font and color are selected and before the value of the object is translated into a printable string of characters and output to the page. Use this event to do processing after an object has been processed. This is your last opportunity to manipulate the values or display attributes of objects before output.

End Variable and End Constant

Occurs immediately after an object is processed even if the object is invisible or suppressed. Use this event to do processing after an object is processed.

Initialize Variable and Initialize Constant

Occurs before each report object or variable is processed. Use this event to do processing before an object is processed. This event is useful for processing that affects the position of an object because the object's position on the page has not yet been determined.

Suspend Object (constant)

Occurs if an object requires multiple text strings or column headings and if only part of the object fits on a page. This event halts processing of the object until the next page has been started. Use this event to modify the value at the page break. Because the value of the object is already partially processed, this is not a good time to manipulate that value.

Column Inclusion

Valid only for tabular sections. Occurs after each record is fetched from the database. Use this event to perform calculations. Do not use the Column Inclusion event when you are performing calculations between columns (such as when calculating variance) or between variables within a column.

Cell Inclusion

Valid only for tabular sections. Occurs during Do Object after processing calculations for a cell. Use this event to manipulate cell data before displaying it. This event occurs before the Do Variable and Do Constant events. This event occurs during calculations. You can also attach criteria to determine whether the currently fetched data should be included in the cell calculation.