Creating Data Dictionary Smart Field Items

Access the appropriate project in OMW.

  1. Add a data item to the same project in which you added the other smart field components.

  2. On the Data Dictionary Item Type form, click No.

    This in not a glossary data item so you want to answer no to the message form.

  3. On the Data Item Specifications form, enter the name of the data item in the Data Item field.

  4. In the Alias field, enter a unique alphanumeric identifier.

  5. In the Glossary Group field, enter K to indicate that the data item is a smart field.

  6. In the Description field, enter a brief description of the smart field data item.

  7. In the Product Code field, enter a product code in the 55–59 range, codes reserved for clients.

  8. In the Product Code Reporting field, enter a product code that represents the system associated with this smart field data item.

  9. In the Data Type field, use the visual assist to select a value that indicates the type of data to be entered (for example, character, string, numeric).

  10. In the Size field, enter the field size of the smart field data item.

  11. In the File Decimals field, enter the number of stored positions to the right of the decimal place.

  12. In the Class field, use the visual assist to select a class that defines the attributes and characteristics of the smart field data item (for example, CURRENCY).

  13. In the Display Decimals field, enter the number of decimals to appear.

  14. In the Control Type field, enter the type of control that is associated with the smart field data item (for example, check box, push button, generic edit, and so on).

    The generic edit option is typically used when creating data items specifically for batch applications.

  15. Leave the Item Occurrences field cleared.

  16. In the Row Description field, enter the smart field data item description as it should appear in group sections.

  17. In the Column Title fields, enter the smart field data item description as it should appear in columnar sections.

  18. Select the Item Glossary tab and enter information that describes all of the valid results.

    For example, for a quarterly smart field, you might enter:

    • 1 returns a total value for January, February, and March.

    • 2 returns a total value for April, May, and June.

    • 3 returns a total value for July, August, and September.

    • 4 returns a total value for October, November, and December.

  19. From the Form menu, select Smart Field to launch the Smart Field Criteria form.

  20. In the Business Function field, use the visual assist to locate the appropriate business function, click the business function, and then click Select.

  21. In the Event Name field, use the visual assist to select the event from which the smart field business function will be called.

  22. In the Named Mapping field, enter the name of the named mapping that you defined for the associated data structure and click OK.