Creating Example Level Break Sections

This example illustrates the process of adding a level break header and a level break footer to an existing report. The business unit field is defined as the level break field for both the level break header and the level break footer. Even though an aggregate function is performed on the salary column, that field is not designated as a level break field. Business unit is the level break field for the footer because the report totals all of the salaries for each business unit.

Note: For this example, modify the example report that is described in Creating an Example Columnar Section Report.

See Creating an Example Columnar Section Report.

Open the Creating a Columnar Section Report example in RDA.

  1. Click the columnar section and select Create, Level Break Header from the Section menu.

  2. On the Level Break form, select Business Unit - Home as the level break field.

  3. Select Display selected column as part of this section, and click Finish.

  4. To include the description of the business unit in the level break header, click the variable of the Business Unit - Home field and select Associate Description from the Edit menu.

  5. Position the description field to the right of the Business Unit - Home field.

  6. Double-click the Home Business Unit variable in the columnar section and on the Advanced tab, clear the Visible option, and then click OK.

    This hides the business unit field in the columnar section.

  7. Click the columnar section and select Create, Level Break Footer from the Section menu.

  8. On the Level Break Footer form, select Group Section, and click OK.

  9. On the Level Break form, select Business Unit - Home and click Next.

  10. To total the annual salaries for each business unit, set the operator to Total of and set the operand to Rate - Salary, Annual.

  11. Select a single overline, and click Finish.

    Note: The order of the header and footer sections within the columnar section has no bearing on how they appear in the printed report.
  12. Select the Preview tab to view the report.