Creating Level Break Footers

Open a report template in RDA.

  1. Click the detail section to which you want to attach a level break footer.

  2. From the Section menu, select Create, Level Break Footer.

  3. On the Level Break Footer form, select the Group Section option, and click OK.

  4. On the Level Break form, under the Show heading, select one of these options:

    • All columns

    • Only existing sort columns

  5. Select a business view field to use as a level break field, and click Next.

  6. On the Aggregations form, select an appropriate Operator and Operand.

  7. Select one of these line options under the Item display style heading:

    • Single overline

    • Double underline

  8. Select the Reprint section at page break option, if necessary, and click Finish.

  9. To add aggregates to the level break footer after it has been created, click the level break footer, and select Add Aggregates from the Section menu.

Note: In the RDA workspace, move the cursor over the aggregate object; the field in the detail section upon which the aggregate's calculations are based changes color.