Creating Report Director Templates

Access the Report Director Templates Revisions form.

Report Template/Description

Enter the name of the Report Director template and a meaningful description.

The system displays the Report Template/Description information from all three tabs.

Section Type

Select a user-defined code (UDC) that represents the type of report section that the system creates when this Report Director template is selected.

Business View

Enter the business view to be used by the report. You can override this business view in the Director.

Processing Options

This field is optional. Enter the processing option template to be used by the report. You can override this processing option template in the Director.

Smart Field Template

Enter the smart field template to be used by the report. The smart field template is dependent on the business view defined.

Default Sequence and Level Breaks

The system displays the Default Sequence and Level Breaks information from all three tabs.

Data Item

Enter the alias of the data items to be used as data sequencing and level breaks in the report sections created using the Report Director template. The first two data items appear in Report Grouping, and the subsequent data items appear in Report Detail on the Data Sequencing Help form of the Director. You can override these fields in the Director.


The description of the data items to be used as data sequencing and level breaks in the report sections created using the Report Director template. The system populates the description field based on the alias that you enter.

Display Seq

Indicates the sequence in which the data sequencing fields appear on the Data Sequencing Help form of the Director. The system populates this field when you tab out of it.