Example: Adding Rectangles to Group Sections

Begin by creating a batch application report object.

  1. Use the Director initially to create the page header and group section.

  2. Select a business view for the group section, and then click Finish on the Navigation Assistant to quit the Director.

  3. Click the group section and from the Insert menu, select Constant Field.

  4. Position the constant in the group section.

  5. Double-click the constant and on the Description tab of the Constant Properties form, enter spaces in the Variable Name field.

    The number of spaces that you enter determines the size of the box. When you begin laying out fields, you might need to adjust the number of spaces.

  6. Select the Style tab, and clear the No Lines option.

  7. Select the Single Rectangle option, and click OK.

  8. Access the Business View Columns Browser, and move fields to the group section, placing them inside the rectangle.

  9. Preview the report to review the layout and sizing of the boxes.

    Modify font, font size, and spaces to perfect the layout.

    You can add another rectangle to the right of the current rectangle.