Generating Rows Automatically

Open a tabular row section report in RDA.

  1. Click the tabular section.

  2. From the Row menu, select Automatic Row Generation.

    Note: Depending on how the section is designed, some fields might not appear on the form.
  3. On the Financial Account Level of Detail Row Generation form, enter the business unit for which you want to generate account information in the Business Unit field.

  4. In the From Account field, enter the beginning account number to appear on the report.

    If you leave the From Account field blank, no accounts are generated.

  5. In the Thru Account field, enter the ending account number to appear on the report.

    If you leave the Thru Account field blank, no accounts are generated.

  6. In the Ledger Type (Optional) field, enter the ledger type to appear on the report.

    If specified, the ledger type is included in the data selection for that row.

  7. In the Level of Detail field, enter the level of detail to appear on the report.

    You can generate additional account level of detail rows at level of detail breaks. The default is to generate total rows. The row amounts are based on account ranges that are specified through selection criteria.

  8. Select the Totals option to generate totals for each level of detail.

  9. Select one of these options under the Add Row Options heading:

    • Replace

      Replaces all previously defined rows with the automatically generated rows. This is the default option.

    • Insert

      Inserts automatically generated rows after the row that you clicked before selecting the automatic row generation option.

    • Append

      Appends automatically generated rows to the bottom of previously defined rows. Use the Append and Insert options to build hybrid account structures from several different business units.