Modifying Report Properties

Open a report in RDA.

  1. From the File menu, select Report Properties.

  2. On the Properties form, select the Report Properties tab.

  3. Review and modify totaling, output, and performance options as appropriate.

  4. Select the Font/Color tab to review and modify font properties for the entire report.

    To override any font property settings of individual objects, select the Apply settings to all Objects option.

    To return the font properties to the system default, click the Defaults button.

  5. Select the Cover Page tab, select the option to include a cover page with the report, and review and modify cover page options.

    Selecting the cover page in Report Properties does not automatically print the cover page with the report. You must select the cover page option on the Version Detail form of the Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Batch Versions (P98305) application.

  6. Select the Decimal Scaling tab, and review and modify decimal scaling for numeric fields in a tabular section.

    This tab applies to tabular sections only. Select the Apply settings to all Objects option to override any decimal scaling settings of individual objects.

    To return the decimal scaling properties to the system default, click the Defaults button.

    See Defining Decimal Scaling.

  7. Select the Advanced tab to review and modify additional report properties.