Named Mappings

Named mappings are a component of the data structure that is used only for smart fields. Named mappings define each of the data items that is included in the data structure. They can also hold default values for the business function so that the values do not need to be manually defined in RDA.

Named mappings are also used to map the source for each parameter (or data item) of the data structure. For example, source values are determined for the prompts, tables, and return values. This table details the sources from which data structure data items originate:




Assigns a specific value to the data item. For example, if the calculation needed to use a tax rate, you would enter the tax rate in the value field.


Indicates that the data item is the user prompt. For example, the Quarter to Display data item is the prompt. In RDA, the report developer enters the quarter to calculate, and the result appears in the smart field column of the report.


Indicates the data items that originate from a table. Browse to locate the table name, and then associate the data item in the data structure with the corresponding data item in the table.

Data Dictionary Item

Passes values from a processing option into the data structure. Values in smart fields can be identified with a business function without requiring input. For example, the desired fiscal year or period might already be specified in a processing option that can be passed into the data structure. If this is the case, the data item must be defined as both a data dictionary item and a processing option in the named mapping.

System Value

Associates the system value as the origin of the data item and browses for the appropriate system value. System values, such as system date, are used throughout the system. System values are fetched from the Table of Variables (F98VAR) table.

Named mappings begin with the letter M and use the same name as the data structure. You can add multiple named mappings to a single data structure. If you have multiple named mappings, append a sequential letter of the alphabet to the named mapping name. For example, the first named mapping for data structure D550101 would be named M550101A.