Report Director Templates

Report Director templates define a set of parameters to guide the report developer through the creation of a batch application. Report Director templates are typically created to use smart fields. However, you can use Report Director templates to define parameters for the development of batch applications without the use of smart fields.

When you create a Report Director template, you define the appropriate business view to attach to the report section. The business view that you select must include all of the data items included in the smart field data structure. It is this business view that is used when the report developer selects the option I'll use the predefined business view from the Director.

Custom Report Director templates should begin with DT. The next two characters should be one of the product codes that is reserved for clients (55–59), and the next characters should reflect the system that uses the Report Director template.

The Report Director template description appears in the Application Report drop-down list box on the Director Welcome form and on the Business View Selection Options form when you create the report in RDA.