Report Level Events

This table describes the events that are available at the report level:



Do Initialize Printer

Resolves and validates the printer name. This event is called once per subsystem trigger. The printer can be set using the Initialize Printer system function, which is only valid on this event.

Initialize Report

Resets the global report variable and global event rule variable values if the event contains no event rules in a subsystem; otherwise. preserves global variable values. The Initialize Report event is executed only once per report and is always the first event to be processed. If the report is a subsystem report, the system executes the event rules on this event once as the subsystem begins and before any subsystem triggers are processed.

End Report

Executes once at the end of the report processing and is always the last event to be processed. If the report is a subsystem, the system executes the event rules on this event only after the system processes an End Subsystem trigger and the subsystem is in the process of terminating.