System API

The system-level API named ubeReport_GetRuntimeInfo() is available as of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release This API is a tools-layer C function that is used by the business function GetRuntimeInfo to retrieve the information from the EnterpriseOne system at report runtime.

The header file jdekdfn.h in system\include contains an enum of the types of data that can be retrieved in the type UBE_INFO_TYPE. Each item type in this header is commented with usage notes. For detailed examples of use, refer to the GetRuntimeInfo() business function. It is important to know that this function returns a void pointer to memory allocated by the function containing the data requested, and that this pointer must be freed with a call to jdeFree() after use.

The following is a listing of the ENUM definitions for the ubeReport_GetRuntimeInfo BSFN API.

UBEGet_EOneJobnum_JCHAR               =  1, // DD:JOBFU1  current jobnum (as string)
UBEGet_EOneJobnum_MATHNUM             =  2, // DD:JOBNBR  current jobnum
UBEGet_ExeHost_JCHAR                  =  3, // DD:EXEHOST		current exehost may match actual host, or be a VBQ servername
UBEGet_ActualHost_JCHAR               =  4, // DD:EXEHOST current actual enterprise sever hostname
UBEGet_QueueName_JCHAR                =  5, // DD:JOBQUE  queue name current job is running in
UBEGet_ReportName_JCHAR               =  6, // DD:OBNM    report name
UBEGet_VersionName_JCHAR              =  7, // DD:VERS    version name
UBEGet_ShortUserName_JCHAR            =  8, // DD:USER    short user name
UBEGet_EnvironmentName_JCHAR          =  9, // DD:ENHV    environment name
UBEGet_TimeExecutionStartUTC_UTIME    = 10, // DD:UTIME   time of spec load completed and Execution begins, in UTC (no timezone applied)
UBEGet_EOneParentJobnum_JCHAR         = 11, // DD:JOBFU1  0 if called in top-level UBE, otherwise jobnum of UBE which called this one (as string)
UBEGet_EOneParentJobnum_MATHNUM       = 12, // DD:JOBNBR  0 if called in top-level UBE, otherwise jobnum of UBE which called this one
UBEGet_EOneOldestParentJobnum_JCHAR   = 13, // DD:JOBFU1  0 if called in top-level UBE, otherwise jobnum of topmost UBE of synchronous job chain (as string)
UBEGet_EOneOldestParentJobnum_MATHNUM = 14, // DD:JOBNBR  0 if called in top-level UBE, otherwise jobnum of topmost UBE of synchronous job chain
UBEGet_PrinterName_JCHAR              = 15, // DD:PHYD    Current printer name
UBEGet_PDFFilename_JCHAR              = 16, // DD:FINAME  Current PDF filename, if any (BIPub reports don't have a valid one at engine runtime) - only complete at End Report Event.
UBEGet_CSVFilename_JCHAR              = 17, // DD:FINAME  Current CSV filename, if any - only complete at End Report Event.
UBEGet_OSAFilename_JCHAR              = 18  // DD:FINAME  Current OSA filename, if any - only complete at End Report Event.