Understanding Default Settings for Reports

A report is defined by the system as a universal batch engine (UBE) object type. You must provide a report with:

  • Object name

    Begins with an R to indicate that it is a report template.

  • Description

    Describes the type of report and the data that it contains.

  • Product code

    Indicates the system that is associated with the interactive application that uses the data, the system where the associated data resides. For example, address book data resides in system 01.

After you create a report object, you can save it and add object specifications at a later time.

When you create a new report, or other batch application, the system automatically applies default standards for some report components.

This table lists the report components that have default standards:

Report Component

Default Standard


Appears in 7 point, Arial font.

Report object name

Appears in the upper-left corner of the page header.

Company name

Appears in the center at the top of the page header.

Report description

Appears in the center at the top of the page header under the company name.

Date and time values

Appears in the upper-right corner of the page header.

Page number

Appears in the upper-right corner of the page header, under the date and time.