Understanding How to Hide Report Sections

You can hide a report section if the sole purpose of the section is to provide logic to be used by another section. The information that is contained in an invisible section does not print on the report. Hiding report sections in this manner is referred to as unconditional. The section is never meant to appear in the report.

You could open a report template that includes an invisible section and not know that the section exists. So that you can see invisible sections of reports in the RDA grid, select the Show Invisible Sections At Startup option in User Options.

You can also hide a report section based on specific criteria. Hiding report sections in this manner is referred to as conditional because the section appears only when the stated condition is met. You can create event rules that show the section only when a field value reaches a certain amount. Another condition might be when the user requests, through processing options, that the section be included in the report.

See Setting Up Custom Sections.