Understanding How to Preview Reports

Use the Preview tab to view how the report will appear when you process it. From the Preview tab, you can review the content of the report and the format. Return to the Preview tab as you make design changes. When you select the Preview tab, the system prompts you to save the report before previewing.

Note: Each time that you return to the Preview tab, you must refresh the view so that the report reflects the modifications that you made.

RDA uses Adobe Reader to present the report preview. The Preview tab includes an Adobe Reader toolbar. You can use all of the functions that are available on the toolbar to view the report.

The purpose of the preview feature is to review the layout, the results of attached logic, and a sampling of the data. Preview does not necessarily present all records that will be fetched from the database when the report is processed. You can define the number of rows to preview from User Options.

See Configuring the Report Design Aid Workspace.