Understanding Section Descriptions

The RDA workspace uses a grid to present all sections that are included in the report template. The exception might be a section that you set up as invisible. The grid is white and typically displays dots that aid you in positioning fields within a section. To the left of each section is a gray tone tile. This tile displays section descriptions that typically represent either the section type, such as page header, or the name of the attached business view.

A level break section is typically named after the level break field on which it is based. For example, On Search Type is the description for a level break header section that breaks on the Search Type field.

If you do not want to view these section tiles, you can hide them in User Options.

When you create a custom section and attach the same business view that you attached to the level one section, both sections have the same description. To tell the sections apart in Event Rules Design, rename one of the sections. You can change the section description on the appropriate section properties form. Adding a prefix to the custom section to indicate that it is the custom section is helpful.

A group section that is created to hold grand totals is untitled because it does not have a business view attached. On the appropriate section properties form, you can modify the section description to read Grand Totals.