Understanding Section Properties

Section properties are accessed from the Section menu in RDA. You can also right-click or double-click a report section to access the section properties.

Section properties for group and columnar sections are the same. Group and columnar section properties affect the current section only and include these tabs:

Properties Tab



Enables you to modify the section description.


Enables you to modify fonts, font styles, font size, and font colors.


Enables you to access properties for the fields in the section layout and make fields invisible.


Enables you to select Visible, Absolute Position (text wrapping), Page Break After, Conditional, and Reprint At Page Break options.

Tabular sections provide additional section properties. Tabular section properties affect the current section only and include these tabs:

Properties Tab



Enables you to modify the section description.


Enables you to modify fonts, font styles, font size, and font colors.

Financial Reports

Enable you to select Drill Down, Perform AAI Subtotaling, Reverse Sign for, Zero Row Suppression, Level of Detail Rollup, and Financial Descriptions options.


Enable you to access properties for the fields in the section layout and make fields invisible.

Row List

Enables you to access row properties and make rows invisible.

Cell Overrides

Enable you to access cell override properties and make cells invisible.

Column Override

Enables you to select a section from another report from which to import columns.

Row Override

Enables you to select a section from another report from which to import rows.

Decimal Scaling

Enables you to apply decimal scaling to numeric fields.


Enables you to select Visible, Absolute Position (text wrapping), and Page Break After options.

When you define fields as invisible on the Fields tab of the appropriate section properties form, a circle with a line through it appears next to the field icon. When column headings are invisible, their associated column variable is also invisible. Double-click the icon to toggle the visible or invisible property.