Understanding Tabular Sections

The tabular section report presents information from a business view in a columnar format, similar to columnar sections; however, tabular sections provide additional features such as:

  • Drill down

    Enables you to link the data in tabular sections to the data in the associated application. This enables users to click the data in the online PDF and review the entries in the application. This feature is especially beneficial to auditors and other users who need to view how an amount was derived.

    See Working with the Drill Down Feature.

  • Row Description columns

    Displays multiple fields, and includes all fields that you define as level break fields. The description of the level break fields appears when a description business function is attached to the data item in data dictionary; otherwise, the field value appears.

    See Working with Row Description Columns.

  • Automatic totaling

    Calculated by the system based on the fields that you define as level break fields.

  • Spreadsheet functionality

    Enables you to add data to tabular sections using rows, defining each row individually. You can override individual cells of the rows by selecting Cell Mode from the Cell menu.

    See Working with Rows.

    See Overriding Cells and Cell Properties.

You can use the Director to guide you through the process of creating tabular section reports. The Director prompts you to select basic elements regarding the structure and content of the report. The companion Navigation Assistant tracks where you are in the report development process. You can right-click the Navigation Assistant to hide it for the current design process.

After you finish creating the initial report template using the Director, you can enhance it by using additional features of RDA, including features that are unique to tabular sections.