Understanding the Join

The two business views that you use to join two detail sections of a subsection join must share common fields. You must join the two detail sections on at least one common field to establish a link between the two sections.

When selecting business view columns to use in the subsection join, consider which fields are required to ensure that the correct child records are associated with the correct parent records. This might require one field or multiple fields to be selected for the join.

If the records in the two detail sections of the subsection join have a many-to-many relationship, select the Join only on level breaks defined in the parent section option. This option processes the associated child records only after all of the records for the defined level breaks in the parent section have been processed. This action is critical when you are joining tables that have a many-to-many relationship, such as joining a detail file to a transaction file.

For example, you can create a report to review accounts payable and general ledger detail. No business view includes both accounts payable and general ledger information. In a report template, create one detail section using the A/P Detail Reports (V0411G) business view, and in another detail section use the G/L Transaction Detail Report (V0911G) business view. Because both of these business views include the same document type and document number fields, you can establish the subsection join using these fields.