Understanding User Options

You can set user options to show or hide the elements of the user interface. You can also control the number of rows to appear on the Preview tab. User options are also referred to as report view options. Three categories of user options are available:

  • General

  • Rulers

  • Preview

General user options affect the appearance of elements in the design workspace. General user options include:

  • Show Invisible Sections at Startup.

    Displays sections that are defined as invisible when you open the report template. You must have sections of the report defined as invisible for this option to affect the RDA view.

  • Show Section Titles.

    Displays the section title and related icons in the tile to the left of each section.

  • Show Right Margin.

    Places diagonal lines outside the right margin in the design workspace. The lines indicate that fields reside outside of the right-page margin. This feature is helpful when you change the orientation of the report, such as changing from landscape to portrait.

  • Show Tabs.

    Displays the Report, Preview, Attachments, and other section-specific tabs at the top of the design workspace.

  • Show Navigational Assistant.

    Displays the Navigation Assistant in companionship with the Director. Hiding the Navigation Assistant in User Options hides it for all future design sessions.

  • Show Data Dictionary Text Overrides.

    Displays a small green triangle in the bottom-right corner of column headings when the name appears differently on the report than in the data dictionary. The indicator appears in the design workspace only; it does not print on the report.

  • Allow Smart Field Template Selection.

    Enables you to select smart field templates from the General tab of the appropriate section properties form.

  • Enable System Language Font Override and Reposition.

    Dynamically repositions fields based on font changes that affect the field size. This option is beneficial for global reporting when you must present data in different languages with fonts of different widths and heights. This option is disabled by default.

  • Show CSV Tip Dialog.

    Displays the CSV Tip dialog box, which indicates the spacing recommendation for exporting reports to comma separated value (CSV) files.

  • Show Object Count Warning after Row Generation.

    Displays a warning message that indicates when the report has exceeded the recommended size. This is typically an issue with reports that use the automatic row generation feature.