Batch Versions Processed Locally from the Microsoft Windows Client

When you run batch versions locally from a Microsoft Windows client and view the output on the screen, the engine tries to connect to the printer defined in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Design Aid (RDA). If the engine cannot connect, or if there is no printer defined, the engine uses the default printer from the printer tables. Using the settings that it retrieves, the engine creates a PDF file and displays the report through Adobe Reader. The PDF file is stored in the PrintQueue subdirectory of the client install on the workstation.

When you run batch versions, you have the option of activating logging capabilities from the Advanced form. If you process batch versions locally from the Microsoft Windows client, the workstation stores the log file in the E812\PrintQueue directory on the workstation.

When you run batch versions locally on the Microsoft Windows client and send the output to a printer, the engine displays the Printer Selection form. This form presents you with options to change the printer, page orientation, PDL, paper type, and so on. The initial printer displayed on the Printer Selection form is the one defined in RDA, or the default printer if one was not defined. The engine connects to the printer displayed on the printer form and retrieves the associated settings. Using these settings, the engine:

  • Creates a PDF file.

  • Converts the PDF into a PDL file using the conversion filter.

  • Sends the PDL file to the defined printer.

See "Submitting Batch Versions from the Microsoft Windows Client" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Batch Versions Guide.