Jobs Submitted from the Microsoft Windows Client

On the Microsoft Windows client, you can select from these options when submitting batch jobs:

Output Option


On Screen.

Enables you to generate a PDF file that is displayed through Adobe Reader. Adobe Reader is launched by the system when the processing of the batch version is complete.

To Printer.

Enables you to modify output options from the Printer Selection form.

Export to CSV.

Enables you to generate both a CSV and a PDF file. The report is displayed through a CSV viewer, such as Microsoft Excel. The CSV viewer is launched automatically by the system when processing of the batch version is complete.

Export using output stream access (OSA).

Enables you to export the report to a third-party software application. The location of the output is determined by the OSA interface. For example, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Extended Markup Language (XML) interface creates an XML file in the same location where the PDF and CSV outputs are stored. An OSA library created by the vendor of the third-party software to which you are exporting the report might store the OSA output in a different location.

See "Submitting Batch Versions" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Batch Versions Guide.

Note: For advanced version prompting options that apply to BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne functionality, see "Accessing Batch Version Advanced Option Overrides" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Guide.