Selecting Paper Types

A report developer can define a custom paper type in RDA. The page type setting in RDA is a visual guide only and has no effect on the page type of the report that you submit unless you select the Custom option in the Printer Setup form. If you do not select the Custom option, your report processes using the default printer setup. When you select the Custom option, the custom definitions that you set up in RDA override the definitions that are set up in P98616. Selecting the Custom option ensures the report always processes using the custom page type. If you do not select the Custom option, the page type processes using the default page type in the report specifications entered in P98616, even though you defined a different page type.

In RDA, select Print Setup from the File menu to access the Print Setup form.

  1. Select a predefined paper type from the drop-down list in the Size field.

  2. If an appropriate paper type is not available, select Custom and indicate the paper width and height.