The SavePDL Setting

You can modify the following setting in the jde.ini to specify the SavePDL functionality on the enterprise server:


When you modify the SavePDL setting in the jde.ini to TRUE, both a PDF file and a Printer Definition Language (PDL) file are created in the PrintQueue directory. By default, at runtime, the Printer Definition Language File option on the Document Setup tab of the Printer Selection form is selected. However, you can override this option at runtime.

When you modify the SavePDL setting to FALSE, you can select the option at runtime to save the intermediate temporary file. The PDL file resides in the PrintQueue directory. When batch jobs are submitted using report interconnects, the child report inherits the PDL definition from the parent report.

You have the option of modifying the Printer Definition Language File option at runtime. Depending on whether the option is selected or cleared, a PDF and a PDL file are created for that batch job only.