Mapping the QR Code in your RTF Template

You can use the QR code or the PDF417 2D barcode type in the RTF templates. When you create an RTF template, use the QR code or the PDF417 functions to specify the barcode type. These functions do not require external fonts.

Use the following QR code syntax:

<?qrcode: <DATA>; <SIZE>[; <CHARSET>]?>

In the above syntax:
  • DATA – Data to be encoded in the QR code format.
  • SIZE – QR code size dimension in points(pt).
  • CHARSET – (Optional) Character set for encoding the data. The Default is UTF8.

Use the following PDF417 syntax:

<?pdf417: <DATA>[; <XSCALE>[; <COLUMNS>[; <ROWS>[; <CHARSET>]]]]?>

In the above syntax:
  • DATA – Data to be encoded in the PDF417 format.
  • XSCALE – Point(pt) per PDF417 module width. The Default is 1 (1pt per module).
  • COLUMNS – The number of columns to be used in the generated PDF417 symbol. The Default value is -1.
  • ROWS – The number of rows to be used in the generated PDF417 symbol. The Default value is -1.
  • CHARSET – (Optional) Character set to be used to encode data with the Byte compaction mode. Specify CHARSET only if the data contains non-Latin-1(ISO-8859-1) characters.

You can enable the QR code in an RTF template for any field from the XML file. Make sure that you have installed BI Publisher as a plug-in for Microsoft Word. From the BI Publisher menu, click Sample XML to load your XML file into the RTF template and right-click the field for which you want to enable the QR code. Select the Properties tab and click the Advanced tab. Here, you can add the QR code command for the field by using the QR code syntax explained earlier. Click OK.