Translations and Localizations

BI Publisher for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne introduces the concepts of localization and translation. Translations are XML files that are created to translate static text of the template into other languages. You can think of translations as a list of words on a template that are translated from one language, typically English, to another language at runtime. Translations are available for RTF templates only.

This is an example of an XML file that translates the static text of an English RTF template to German.

German translation of English template.

By contrast, a localization is a different version of an existing template that not only translates the static text from one language to another, but also includes or excludes specific data elements when compared to the base template. For example, a base template might have a data element that displays salary information. If displaying this information is illegal in a particular country, you can copy the base template and remove the salary data element.