
If an imbalance on an agreement exists, you can create an adjustment to bring the agreement to a status that is agreed upon by your company and your partner. For example, an imbalance might exist if a transaction was not correctly assigned.

You must assign a document number and type for all adjustments so that the system can track the adjustment.

Depending on the terms that your company and your partner agree upon, you can create adjustments with different types of information. For example, you can:

  • Make a manual adjustment and enter a specific quantity of a product.

  • Have the system reduce the product quantity to zero.

  • Create a sales order from the adjustment information.

  • Close the agreement.

You cannot change or delete an existing adjustment. If you enter an incorrect adjustment, you must create a new adjustment to correct the error.

When you access the Agreement Adjustment program (P38020) from either the Online Statement or the Online Balance Inquiry menu options, the system uses the agreement information as default entries for certain fields. You cannot change these fields on the Agreement Adjustment form.