Alternate AAIs for Loan or Borrow Agreements

The system uses alternate AAIs to write accommodations for loan or borrow agreements. If you select the Write Accommodations option on the Agreement Master Revisions form, the system uses alternate AAIs during sales order, purchase order, and general stock movement processing.

This table discusses AAIs for Agreement Management:

Type of Processing


Sales order processing

Depending on the processing that is performed when the system processes a sales order, the system typically uses these AAIs:

  • Cost of Goods Sold (AAI 4220).

  • Deferred Cost of Goods Sold (AAI 4221).

  • Inventory (AAI 4240).

  • Inventory in Transit (AAI 4241).

If the specified agreement has the Write Accommodations option turned on, the system uses these AAIs instead of 4220 and 4221:

  • Cost of Goods Sold - Accommodations (AAI 4222).

  • Deferred Cost of Goods Sold - Accommodations (AAI 4223).

If the specified borrow agreement at load confirmation has the Write Accommodations option selected, the system uses these AAIs instead of 4240 and 4241:

  • Accommodations (AAI 4242).

  • Accommodations in Transit (AAI 4244).

Purchase order processing

Typically, when you receive a purchase order, the system writes these general ledger entries:

  • DR - Inventory (AAI 4310).

  • CR - Received Not Vouchered (AAI 4320).

If the specified agreement has the Write Accommodations option selected, the system writes these general ledger entries:

  • DR - Accommodations (AAI 4311).

  • CR - Received Not Vouchered (AAI 4321).

General stock movements

Typically, when you enter a stock movement, the system uses these AAI: Inventory (AAI 4122).

When you enter a stock movement and specify an agreement with the Write Accommodations option selected, the system uses these AAIs instead of 4122: Accommodations (AAI 4123).