Defining Agreement Relationships

Access the Agreement Master Revisions form.

Agreement Number/Supp (agreement number/supplement)

Enter the number that the company assigns to uniquely identify a particular agreement. Assign some significance to the agreement number (for example, an agreement type code, location, year, and so forth). An agreement might have multiple supplements to record changes, for example.


Enter a user-defined code that indicates the current status of the agreement.


Indicates whether amendments exist for this agreement.

Agreement Type/Purpose

(Optional) Enter a user-defined code that indicates the general type of the agreement.

Agreement Mgr/Admin (agreement manager/administration)

(Optional) Enter the Address Book number of the manager of this particular contract. The coding considerations for this number are the same as for data item AN8, and this item is verified in the Address Master File.

Partner Agreement

(Optional) Enter the agreement number that is assigned by your partner. Frequently, business partners maintain numbering systems that are different from yours. If your company requires both agreement numbers for tracking purposes, enter your partner's number in this field.

Update at Amb/Std/Wgt (A,S,W) (update at ambient/standard/weight)

(Optional) Enter the code that determines the method that the system uses to update the agreement. Values are:

A: Use the ambient volume.

S: Use the standard volume.

W: Use weight.

Commingled Agreement

(Optional) Enter a value that indicates that the agreement uses commingled inventory. During load confirmation, if you load product from a commingled tank, you must enter an agreement number that is designated as commingled.

Code 1

(Optional) Enter a user-defined code to group agreements that have similar attributes. Use reporting codes to link or group related agreement constants. The system uses this information in the Agreement Search and Online Balance Inquiry programs to determine the agreement information to display.

Associated Agreement

(Optional) Enter the number that is assigned by the company to uniquely identify a particular agreement.

Your company might base or associate the terms of a new or renewal agreement or supplement on an existing agreement. If so, enter the agreement number of that agreement here.

The system uses the agreement number in the Agreement Search, Online Statement, and Online Balance Inquiry programs to determine the data to display.

Parent Agreement

(Optional) Enter a number that identifies a parent agreement for the displayed agreement. Use the parent agreement and supplement numbers to define a relationship between two or more agreements. The system uses the parent agreement and supplement numbers in the Agreement Search, Online Statement, and Online Balance Inquiry programs to determine the data to display.

Created From Agreement

(Optional) Identifies that a previous agreement is related to this agreement and supplement. Enter the agreement number and supplement for the previous agreement. The system can use this field as a selection field during agreement search.

Closed To Agreement

(Optional) If this contract is created from an existing contract, enter the number in this field.

You can use this field as a selection field during contract search.


Enter the actual date that the contract or agreement was signed. This may or may not be the same as the effective date.

Effective Date

Enter the date that the agreement becomes effective.

Expiration Date

Enter the date that the agreement ceases to be in effect. If you do not enter a date in this field, the system enters a date that you defined during system setup.

Write Accommodations

Enter a value that indicates whether the agreement is a loan/borrow type of agreement. Values are:

Y or 1: Yes, include accommodations.

N or 0: No, do not include accommodations.

If you include accommodations, the system uses alternate AAIs during purchase order, sales order, and general stock movement processing.

If you do not want the system to send transactions that are covered by the agreement to the standard inventory account in the general ledger, set the Write Accommodations indicator to include accommodations. For example, you might want the system to send transactions to a different account for agreements that involve a foreign depot.


Enter a value that indicates whether this is a new agreement or a renewal agreement. Values are:

N: New (Default)

R: Renewal

Agreement Qty Type (agreement quantity type)

Enter a code that indicates whether this agreement is based on quantity by item or currency amount. Values are:

Q: Quantity

If you enter Q, you can enter quantity and unit of measure for the products that are covered by the agreement.

A: Currency amount

If you enter A, you can enter currency amounts that are covered by the agreement.

The system calculates currency amounts on the price for sales order transactions or the cost for purchase transactions.