Understanding Agreement Processing

Although each company's actual agreements are unique documents, Agreement Management provides a standardized format for creating and managing all of the item and scheduling information.

After you create an agreement, you can assign the number to the transactions that move product to fulfill the agreement's terms. You use the same applications for agreement transactions that you use to place sales orders, purchase orders, or bulk stock control transactions. Frequently, you do not know whether you should apply a product to an agreement until load confirmation. You can also assign an agreement number to an order at this time.

You can prepare balance statements to determine whether you and your partner are in compliance with the terms of the agreement. The statement includes the agreement information and identifies what you owe or what your partner owes to meet the terms.

As you manage agreements, you might note that the terms have not been met or that you must assign a transaction. You can correct the out-of-balance conditions with an adjustment or a sales order transaction.