Attaching Existing Work Orders for a Configured Item to a Project

You can attach a preexisting set of configured work orders to an ETO project through the Project Workbench program (P31P001). The configured work orders must have been created using Manufacturing Work Order Processing (P48013). Additional criteria must also be met:

  • If the work order is a configured work order, it must be the root or top-level order.

  • The configured work order cannot already be associated with a project.

  • The work order can have no material issued to its parts list.

  • The work order can have no activity reported against it.

You cannot attach a preexisting set of configured work orders to an ETO project if the orders were created using Sales Order Entry (P4210). If the configured work orders that are created from a sales order are attached to an ETO project, two sets of sales orders could possibly exist against the work order. The first would be the original sales order, and the second would be the sales order against which the configured item can be shipped from the Project Workbench. To avoid any issues, configured work orders that are created from sales order cannot be attached to an ETO project.