*BLANK is an existing value in the Values field (ATIV) on the Cross Segment Edit Group Revision form. Dynamic configuration using *BLANK in cross-segment editing rules uses the following rules processing logic:

  • Does not change the segment attribute for Required To Be. Required To Be refers to the Req (required or optional) field (ATRQ) on the Configured Item Segments Revision form (W3291L).

  • If the relationship logic value is set to Equal To (EQ), then:

    • An optional segment is hidden.

    • A required segment is not hidden.

      • The system displays a required segment error in the message center.

      • The system highlights the segment in the grid that has an error state.

  • If the relationship logic value is set to Not Equal To (NE), then:

    • For optional and required segments:

      • The system displays and populates the valid values list with all user-defined code (UDC) values.

      • The system displays the CSER error in the message center.

      • The system highlights the segment in the grid that has an error state.

    • For required segments only:

      • The system always displays the required segment. The required segment is never hidden.

      • The system displays the required segment error in the message center.

Note: A rule that includes EQ *BLANK on a required segment is not appropriate as the segment displays with a required segment error but no valid values from which to select.