Copy Options

Configured Item Information, Configured Item Segments, Cross Segment Editing Rules, Assembly Inclusion Rules, (C)alculations, (P)arts, Parts List Only (Q), (R)outings, Price (X), and (H)ot Spots

Select attributes in the Copy Options group box to copy the attribute information from the original configured item (in the From group box) to the new configured item (in the To group box). You can copy only the attributes that exist on the configured item that is being copied.

Component Branch

Enter a secondary or lower-level business unit. The system uses the value that you enter to indicate that a branch or plant contains several subordinate departments or jobs. For example, assume that the component branch is named MMCU.

The structure of MMCU might be:

Branch/Plant - (MMCU)

Dept A - (MCU)

Dept B - (MCU)

Job 123 - (MCU)

When the Component Branch field is used while copying a configured item, the system populates every line in the assembly inclusion rules with the specific branch/plant noted in the Component Branch field. Since segments have no branch/plant field, the copied segments are not affected. The specified component branch will be reflected in ALL lines, so any changes to the branch/plant must be made manually if all the components are not expected to come from the specified branch/plant. If a copy is made from one branch/plant (for example, M30 to M10) without specifying a component branch, the system populates the Copy from branch/plant on all the new assembly inclusion rule records.

The specified component branch is only copied to those rules where the rule branch and the component branch are the same. For rules for which the component branch and the rule branch are different, the difference is maintained.

For example, the rules for item 6000 are in branch M30 and the component branch for each item in the rules is also M30. If item 6000 is copied to item M40, then the component branch for all rules is copied to M40 because the rule branch and the component branch for item 6000 are both M30.

If a component of item 6000 is transferred from branch M10 to branch M30, then the rule branch and component branch do not match. Thus, when item 6000 in branch M30 is copied to branch M40, all rules with a matching branch of M30 will be copied to M40. The component rule with a branch of M10 will be copied, but the branch will remain M10 and will not change to M40. This functionality preserves the transfer information set up in the rules. If required, the rule can be changed manually.

To create an order, items must exist in the branch/plant master of the specified component. For instance, you must have M10 records for each component being ordered from the specified order process.

If you create a branch/plant that is different than the demand branch/plant, nothing will populate after running the Multi-Facility MRP Generation program (R3483). You must create the appropriate branch relationships for each item that will be provided from another branch/plant using the Branch Relationships Revisions program (P3403T). Simply adding the designator to the Component Branch field does not drive the planning system.

The Component Branch field allows the user to copy assembly inclusion rule records to any branch/plant, but they will not actually be planned appropriately across branches unless the appropriate multifacility planning relationships are also set up and the Multi-Facility Generation program is run.

A configured item cannot be planned across branch/plants, but the components of the configured item can be planned as supply from various branch/plants.

Configured items can be planned across branch/plants using ST/OT functionality.