Defining Values for Configured Tables

Access the Configured Table Value Revision form.

Segment Value 1 and Segment Value 2

Complete as many segment value fields as you defined on the Rule Table Definition Revisions form when you defined dimensions for the table. The names of the segment value fields are defined when you create the table/item cross-reference.

Each time that you enter a value for a segment and the associated item number, a new blank row appears.

Note: As you work with table information, you can speed data entry by setting a processing option for copying rows of data. You can use one of two methods to copy rows. The first method is to select a row, and then select Copy row from the Row menu. You can then change the row data as necessary for the table. The second method is to enter 1 in the C field of the row that you want to copy. After you complete the fields in a row and press the Enter key, that row is copied into the next row. When you no longer want to automatically copy a row or if you need to make changes, clear the C field.