JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Configurator

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system stores item information, sales and purchasing costs, and quantities that are available by location. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system is used to set up item information for configured items and their components, and configured subassemblies. Programs in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system define the configured item information, such as how the item is identified and stocked.

You enter Item Master information, such as item number, description, stocking type, cost, and price information, that is unique to the item across all branch/plants.

When processing Item Master Revisions, select C for configured item in the Stocking Type field.

If you want the system to automatically generate work order headers at time of order entry, then select the work order line type in the Line Type field. Select the line type for stock item if you do not need work orders.

To gather accurate costs for a configured item, select 3 in the Inventory Cost Level field, which identifies costs of the configured item at the item, branch/plant, location, and lot levels. Because configured items are specific and unique in their configuration, they must be set to this level of cost detail to obtain an accurate cost for configured components and the configured end-item.

The Configurator Costing Method field can also be used to indicate how the cost is calculated for a configured item on purchase orders only.

You have several options for pricing a configured item. You accomplish this pricing by selecting a value in the Kit/Configurator Pricing Method field. Select from these pricing methods:

  • Total the list prices of components to determine the configured item price.

  • Use the list price of the configured item.

  • Use assembly inclusion pricing rules to determine the price.

  • Total the discounted price of components.

Base prices can be established in the system for components and configured items. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing can be used with any price method code. You can also use price adjustment, or X assembly inclusion rules, to affect the price for the configured item, regardless of the price method that you chose. The X assembly inclusion rules also support cost adjustments.

Because configured items have the same item number in the Item Master (for example, the forklift is item 6000), the system requires additional information to stock the configured item in inventory. This information enables the system to differentiate one configuration from another. Thus, configured items must be lot controlled. Configured items also need to be stocked in a specific location. Using lot and location control identifies each configured item as unique.

You can have lot numbers automatically assigned to configured items by setting a value in the Lot Process Type field. Instead of turning on lot control, the system can be set up to assign the lot and location automatically during work order completions (by way of the processing options), or the lot and location can be manually entered (at completions). The method that is used to assign lot and location information to a configured item is a business process that you must determine.

In the Item Master program, you can define the level lead time for the configured item on the Additional System Information form. The system uses this value to calculate the start dates for work orders by using fixed lead times. The start dates on a work order header are usually back-scheduled, based on the request date of the order (such as a sales order). Because each configured item is unique and difficult to plan for in the planning system, this field is used to schedule the configured item work orders accurately.

After you enter generic item information, you can enter Item Branch (P41026) information that is unique to an item for a specific branch/plant.

You can define the stocking type, line type, lot process type, and location at the branch/plant level for the configured item, configured subassemblies, and components.