
These processing options control how the system processes and displays values.

1. Media Object Display

Specify whether to display media objects on the Configure Item form. This option controls context-sensitive display of media objects that are related to items, segments, and user-defined code values. Values are:

1: Display.

Blank: Do not display.

2. Media Object Display Order

Specify the order in which media objects appear on the Configured Item Revisions form if more than one media object type is attached to a configured item or segment. If more than one media object of the same type exists, the first attached object in the selected type will be displayed. Values are:

1: Text

2: Image

3: OLE

Blank: Image

3. Common Attribute Display

Specify whether the system displays common attributes among configured items. Values are:

1: Without automatic prompt.

2: With automatic prompt.

Blank: Do not display common attributes.

4. Common Attribute Display Scope

Specify whether to display common attributes that are specific to the configured item. Values are:

1: Display all common attributes.

Blank: Display only common attributes that are used in the configuration.

5. 'C' Rules Calculation

Specify whether to perform calculations using C rules for configured items upon entry. Values are:

Blank: Perform

1: Omit

6. Substitute Configured Item Text

Specify whether to substitute configured item text (which exists as a media object) or to append it. Values are:

Blank: Append

1: Substitute

7. UDC Display

Specify whether to display segment answers associated with a UDC as codes or descriptions on the Configured Item Specifications form. Values are:

1: Display UDC codes.

Blank: Display UDC descriptions.