Setup Considerations for Configured Item Planning

To successfully plan components of a configured item, you must set the processing options appropriately.

A Configurator processing option on the Mfg Mode tab in the MRP/MPS Requirements Planning (R3482) and the Master Planning Schedule - Multiple Plant program (R3483) enables you to determine whether the components of a configured item will be planned. To plan the components of a configured item, the processing option is set to 1 to include configuration components from the Configurator Component Table (F3215) and the Work Order Parts List (F3111) table as demand items. If you are not concerned with planning components of a configured item, set the processing option to blank, which saves processing time.

The MRP/MPS Requirements Planning and the Master Planning Schedule - Multiple Plant program use both the quantity type and the processing option to determine if components for a configured item should be included in planning.