Accumulated Additives

If accumulated additives are available from the operation, the system copies the accumulated additive to the resultant lot. If accumulated additives are not available from the operation and no blending is involved, the system copies the accumulated additives from the From lot to the resultant lot. When blending lots have accumulated additives, the system applies these rules:

  • Calculates the cumulative amount value for the After To lot by adding the cumulative amount value for each lot that is being blended.

  • Calculates the cumulative parts per million (PPM) or percent for the After To lot by taking the weighted average of the cumulative PPM or percent for each lot that is being blended.

To calculate for splitting a lot, the system:

  1. Copies the cumulative PPM or percent.

  2. Divides the cumulative amount proportionately to the split volumes.

To calculate for losses, the system:

  1. Copies the cumulative PPM or percent.

  2. Reduces the cumulative amount proportionally to the loss using this formula:

    Cumulative Amount = Cumulative Amount × (1 − loss / Original Volume)