Add Additive Section


The system displays the winery that you used in your search. You can change it. You can add an additive from a winery other than the winery of the vessel.

Additive Method

The system displays the method that you specified in the Default Additive Method processing option. If you do not complete the processing option, the system uses the Fixed method as the default value.

Note: The Vessel Volume additive method is designed for use only when working with multiple vessels. The Vessel Volume additive method divides additive amounts proportionately among multiple vessels. After the program divides the additives, the vessel/additive combination is handled by the system as a fixed amount. When you click the Calculate button, the system shows the additive method as Fixed in the Vessel/Additive Quantity subform because the additive amounts have been divided and allocated to each vessel.

The additive methods are:

  • Fixed
  • Flow
  • Rate
  • Targeted Parts Per Million
  • Vessel Volume
Item Number

Enter the item number of the additive. The item must be associated with a bill of material.

Additive Quantity

Specify the amount of the additive to add.

Additive UOM (additive unit of measure)

The system displays the production unit of measure for the additive entered.

Additive Rate Quantity

Enter the rate quantity if you selected the Rate or Flow additive method.


When you complete this field, the system adds the test or panel to the quality assurance operation specified in the Configured Operation Code for Quality Operations processing option.

Test Specification

Enter a value that corresponds to the value in the Test/Panel field to specify the test specifications for the quality operation that you create.


Specify the location of the additive that you add.

Lot Number

Specify the lot number of the additive.

Create Work Order By

Select whether to group the work orders that you create by vessel or additive. When you click the Create Operation button in the Vessel/Additive Quantity section, the program:

  • Creates one work order for the vessel if you add multiple additives to one vessel.

  • Creates one work order for the additive if you add one additive to multiple vessels.

  • Creates one work order for each additive if you add multiple additives to multiple vessels.

  • Creates one work order for each vessel if you add multiple additives to multiple vessels.