Adding New Temperature Conversion Charts

Access the Add Temperature Conversion Chart or the Edit Temperature Conversion Chart form.

Chart Name and Chart Description

Enter a name and description for the temperature conversion chart. The system stores this information in the Temperature Conversion Chart Header table (F31B116).


Displays the address book number of the user who sets up the temperature conversion chart. If the user is not set up in the Address Book Master table (F0101), the system issues an error message when you access the Add Temperature Conversion Chart form.

Chart Temperature UOM (chart temperature unit of measure)

Specify whether to use Celsius or Fahrenheit as the unit of measure for the temperatures that are listed in the chart. The default value is Fahrenheit.

Standard Temperature

Enter the standard temperature of the material type for which you are creating the temperature conversion chart. If you do not enter a value, the default value is 0.

Alcohol Percent

Specify the alcohol percent value for which you want to define conversion factors. If you do not enter a value, the default value is 0.

Add Alcohol Percent

Click to access the Add New Alcohol Percent form. On this form, you can specify the alcohol percent values that you want to be available for selection in the Alcohol Percent field.


Specify the ambient temperature for the selected alcohol percent value for which you want to define a conversion factor.

Conversion Factor

Specify the conversion factor that the system uses to calculate spirit volumes for operations.