Additional Search

Select the Additional Search tab.

Equipment Number

You can use assigned equipment as an additional search filter.

Staff Number

You can use an assigned staff number as an additional search filter.

All, Harvest, or Non-Harvest

Specify that you want to retrieve all operations, only harvest-related operations, or only operations that are not related to the harvest.

All, Reversed, or Non-Reversed

You can specify that you want to retrieve all operations, only reversed operations, or only operations that have not been reversed.

Sequence By:

Select the order in which you want the system to display the operations that you select. You define the sequence by operation number, work order number, or job number.


Select additional activities that you want to perform. You can access these programs:

  • Speed Advanced Comments (P31B317B)

  • Speed Results Entry (P31B98)

  • Speed Actuals Update (P31B67)

  • Speed Operation Update (P31B96)

  • Reverse Operations (P31B68)

  • Operation Trace/Track (P31B60)

Note: To make any of these options unavailable for a program version, set the appropriate processing options.
Add Blend Operation

Click to add blend operations. The system calls the operation header.

Add Grower Operation

Click to add grower operations, for example, weigh tags. The system accesses the Configured Operation Code Selection form.

Print Operation

Click to call the Operation Print program (P31B65A01) to print reports for one or more operations. You can select multiple records, including records that have different statuses. The system generates a PDF file for each operation that you select.

Note: The system enables you to select a different printer for each operation that you print.