Advanced Lot Trace/Track Report (R31B360)

Advanced Lot Trace/Track Report (R31B360) generates advanced lot trace track data in Advanced Lot Trace Track Header (F31B350) and Advanced Lot Trace Track Detail (F31B360) tables for the selected operation and vessel. The report generates a unique Trace/Track ID for each operation and vessel processed. The report R31B360 prints Advanced Lot Trace/Track data for each operation and vessel selected from the P31B350 program or based on the data selection of the report. The list of processed operations and vessels is printed on the Summary page. The Advanced Lot trace/track details are printed in subsequent pages. The trace/track data can be read using the following key fields:

Line Identifier

Line Identifier is used to uniquely identify a line in the Advanced Lot Trace/Track detail report.

Parent Line Identifier

Each line identifier record in the Advanced Lot Trace/Track chain is linked to its parent using the parent line identifier.

Go To Line Identifier

The Go To line identifier helps to identify the reference line for tracing or tracking of repeating chains that were skipped while building the Advanced Lot.

Apart from the key fields, the report also prints details such as Configured Operation Code, Winery, Operation Number, Vessel Number, Vessel Class, F/T, Before Lot Quantity, Before Lot UOM, After Lot Quantity, After Lot UOM, Total Move Quantity, Workflow Status, Actual Start, Actual End, Before Mat Type, After Mat Type, Before Wine Status, After Wine Status, Before Blend ID, After Blend ID, Additive Item Number, Additive Lot Number, Total Survey Gain/Loss, Total Operation Gain/Loss, and Operation ID.