
Select the Attributes tab.

Tank Number

Enter a code that uniquely identifies a tank within the facility.

If you set up a tank as moveable, the tank number must be unique across different wineries. If you try to copy a tank to a different facility without changing the number, the system will issue an error.

Tank Name

Enter a name that uniquely identifies a single tank within the facility. If you set up a tank as moveable, the tank name must be unique across different wineries.

Tank Description

Enter a description that further describes the tank.


Enter the associated asset number of the tank. The system uses this field if you set up the tank as an asset in the Asset Master table (F1201).


Enter the branch location where the tank is stored. You set up locations in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system.

Piping Bank

Enter a value that identifies the piping bank to which the tank is connected.

Tank Status

Select a status from UDC 31B/SV that specifies the status of the tank. Values are:




Not in Branch

Out of Commission

Waiting for Receipt

If you select Decommissioned or Out of Commission, save the record that you are adding and then access the Edit Tank form again to enter more information. The system activates the Date Out field to enable you to indicate when the tank was decommissioned.

The system disables the Date Out and Date In fields for all other tank status selections.

Date Out

Enter a date that indicates when a tank was taken out of commission.

Date In

Enter a date that indicates when a tank is expected to return to service for use within the facility.

Volume Status

Select a volume status from UDC 31B/VS that specifies the fill status of the tank. A tank might be full, partially full, or empty, or you might not know the fill status.

Hygiene Status

Select a hygiene status from UDC 31B/HS that specifies the hygiene status of a tank. Values are:






Select a value from UDC 31B/TP to indicate whether the tank is fixed or moveable. Operations can change the location of moveable tanks only.

If you change the placement of a tank from fixed to moveable, the system issues a warning that other tanks with the same number could exist in the system and would be considered to be the same tank.


Select a material from UDC 31B/FM that specifies the material to be used in constructing a tank. Values are:


Coated Mild Steel


Stainless Steel

Food Grade Plastic


Tank Type

Select a tank type from UDC 31B/TT that specifies the tank's storage purpose.


Select a value from UDC 31B/TV that indicates the shape of the tank.


Select a value from UDC 31B/FC that indicates the type of floor upon which the tank was constructed. Floors could be flat or sloped at different angles.


Select a value from UDC 31B/MC that indicates whether a tank was calibrated and, if so, the type of calibration that was performed. For example, a tank might be calibrated according to the standards of the tank manufacturer.

Gauge Type

Select a gauge type that indicates what type of dip to use for the tank. This field is required. Values are:


Dry Dip

Wet Dip

These values are stored in UDC table 31B/TG.

Note: If you set a tank master record with a gauge type of Both, you must enter fill heights as though you were setting up the tank with a gauge type of Dry Dip. This information enables you to use both dry and wet dip charts in operations.
Dip Chart Code

Enter a value that identifies the dip chart upon which to record measurement information. A dip chart code is required for tanks that will be used to contain liquid volume.

White Fermentation

Enter a value, expressed in the volume unit of measure that you defined in the Winery Constants program (P31B13). This value indicates the maximum fill capacity of the tank for white fermentation. The system uses this field in combination with the Fermentation Flag field to determine whether the fermentation capacity of the tank has been exceeded.This field is required.


Enter a value, expressed in the volume unit of measure that you defined in the Winery Constants program (P31B13). This value indicates the maximum fill capacity of the tank for storage. The system uses this field in combination with the Fermentation Flag field to determine whether the storage capacity of the tank has been exceeded. This field is required.

Reference Point Description

Enter a description that explains to the operator where to locate the measurement reference point for a tank.

Reference Point Height

Enter a value, expressed in the dimension unit of measure that you defined in the Winery Constants program (P31B13). This value indicates the measurement reference height of the tank. This field is required in order to perform wet or dry dips on a tank.

Red Fermentation

Enter a value, expressed in the weight unit of measure that you defined in the Winery Constants program (P31B13). This value indicates the maximum fill capacity of the tank for red fermentation. This field is required.