Barrel In-Place

Barrel stirring involves the mixing of wine in a barrel with the lees that may have settled to the bottom of the barrel. Sometimes barrels are topped at the same time as they are stirred. Barrel stirring can be performed using a manual or a powered stirring device. Barrel stirring is generally a recurring operation, for example, every 30 days.

There are two basic types of barrel in-place operations:

  • Barrel stir

    The mixing of wine in a barrel with the lees that may have settled to the bottom of the barrel.

  • Batonage stir

    Barrel stirring where wine is left on lees and stirred weekly.

  • Barrel relocation

    Many operations involve the physical movement of a number of barrels from a storage location to a work area where the operation is performed. The barrels are then returned to the same or a different storage location. The locate vessels operation can be an integral part of other operations, or can be performed as an independent operation.