Bottling Information

Select the Bottling Information tab.

Select the appropriate options in the Actuals and the Inventory On-Hand areas.

Quantity Produced

Specify whether to include the number of bottles that you have produced in the calculation of operational gain and loss. If you specify that only the number of bottles that you have produced should be included, the system considers only the actual number of bottles produced, but does not include any of the other values even though a number of bottles may have been broken or been used for sampling. For example, if you produced 150 bottles, broke five bottles during the bottling process, and sampled five bottles, the system only includes the 150 bottles produced in the calculation.

You can also specify whether to include the number of bottles that you have produced in the on-hand calculations for inventory. You calculate on-hand inventory of bottles for the item that you use as a cross-reference for the EUR of the bottling vessel.

See Creating EUR Definitions.

Quantity Broken

Specify whether to include the number of bottles that break during the bottling process in the calculation of operational gain or loss. You can also specify whether to include the number of bottles that break in the on-hand calculations for inventory.

Quantity Sampled

Specify whether to include the number of bottles that you have used for sampling in the calculation of operational gain or loss. You can also specify whether to include the number of bottles that you have used for sampling in the on-hand calculations for inventory.

Quantity 4 and Quantity 5

Specify for additional quantity definitions whether to include the number of bottles in the calculation of operational gain or loss and the calculation of on-hand inventory.