Calculating Move Details

Access the Edit Operation Detail form.

Select the Movement Detail tab.

From Vessel

Displays the number of the From Vessel after you calculate the movement. Enter the number of the vessel.

To Vessel

Displays the number of the To vessel after you calculate the movement.

Move Percent

Enter the percentage of material to move from one vessel to another.

Planned Move Quantity

Enter the planned quantity of material to move from one vessel to another.

Actual Move Quantity and Quantity UOM (quantity unit of measure)

Enter actual quantity to move from one vessel to another.

Override Quantity

Displays a value that indicates a user has overridden the quantity of a vessel-to-vessel move.

Planned Quantity Volume

Specify the volume of the planned quantity.

Calculate Move

Click to update the planned volumes or actual volumes for the From or To vessel depending on what type of operation you are entering. The system also calculates gains and losses and updates movement totals in the Operation Totals section. If the gains or losses exceed the threshold that you set in the winery constants, the system issues an error message when you click this button. You can make adjustments to eliminate the error or enter a reason before you save the operation. The system displays the gain or loss totals and percentages.

For weight-to-volume operations, the system also calculates the extraction rate for each record. See Extraction Rates.

When multiple movements exist, the system calculates totals as aggregates of all movement yields.