Common Fields Used in this Chapter

Comment Option

Enter a UDC (31B/LC) to identify if the comment carries forward.


Enter text for comments or click Select List to select a predefined comment.

Date Tested

Enter the test date.

Entry Status

Indicates if a result has been entered for a test value.

Lot Comment Code

Enter a UDC (31B/CM) to identify the type of comment.

Previous Test Value

Displays the previous result for the test. In some cases, it may be a blended result.

Result Value

The system displays the test value that was converted to the result name definition. If the test definition did not require a conversion, then the result and test value will be the same.

Result UOM (result unit of measure)

The system displays the result unit of measure.


Enter the tester name or ID.

Test Value

Enter the result of the test.