Creating Virtual Lots

You can use the Inventory by Vessel View program to create virtual lots either by copying an existing virtual or nonvirtual lot or by entering new virtual lots. You can create the following types of virtual lots:

  • Trial Blend

  • To Buy

  • Competitor

  • Imaginary

Note: Trial blend virtual lots are hard-coded. You can copy them, but you cannot change them to another virtual lot type. You can create or copy a lot and set the virtual lot indicator to Trial Blend, but you cannot use this lot as an actual output lot in a trial blend.

You can use virtual lots as templates to hold specific sets of lot attributes that you can use later to copy to other lots. To be able to copy lots and create virtual lots, you must set the appropriate processing options.

When searching for vessels or lots on the Inventory by Vessel View form, you can you filter records using the virtual lot indicator. You can retrieve nonvirtual lots or different types of virtual lots.

When you create or copy a virtual lot, you can manually enter or change any of the attributes of the lot on the Instruct Lot Attributes form. On the Instruct Lot Attributes form, you can complete only the After lot fields. If you access the form to create a new virtual lot, all the After lot fields are blank. If you access the form to copy an existing lot, the values of this lot appear on the form and can be edited.

You can use the Instruct Lot Attributes form to edit any virtual lot, including trial blend virtual lots. However, when you reblend a trial blend virtual lot, the manual changes that you apply here are overwritten. To ensure that manually added or changed values are not overwritten during a trial blend, click the override check box when you enter a value.

Note: You can purge virtual lots from the system using the Purge Virtual Lots program (R31B200). Use the processing option to determine which type of virtual lot to purge.

See R31B200 - Purge Virtual Lots.